In 1988, filmmaker Freddie Fields was walking through Boston Common when he noticed a Civil War monument, honoring a unit from Massachusetts. Upon further inspection, he noticed it was tribute to the 54th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, a regiment made up of African-Americans that fought for the Union during the Civil War.
Fields immediately thought this story would make a great film, he commenced work on Glory.
The story focuses on how the unit was raised in Boston, the obstacles they faced as one of the Union Army's first African-American regiments, their assignment in the Union's Department of the South; fighting to trying to take the city of Charleston through engagements on James Island and Battery Wagner. The story takes place in Beaufort, James Island, Morris Island and Darien, Georgia.
Filmmakers, decided to film in the Savannah area because of the locations that they needed for the film. Initial filming began with the Battle of Antietam, the opening scene, was filmed in 1988 at the 135th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.
In 1989, filmmakers descended on the Savannah area to film Glory. If you watch the film closely you can see some of Savannah's famous landmarks in the film.
The Mercer House, doubled as the residence of Colonel Robert G. Shaw's parent's home in Boston. It is here, where he is offered command of the 54th by the governor of Massachusetts.
The recruiting and mustering of enlisted men of the 54th was filmed near the intersection of Whitaker and West Jones Streets, near a local favorite Mrs. Wilkes Boarding house.
The training of the regiment scenes were were filmed at the Roundhouse Railroad Museum in Savannah. The museum doubled as Camp Readville, near Boston. Many of Massachusetts fighting units were trained here before going off to war.
Historic River Street served as a street in Boston, as the crowd sends off the 54th Massachusetts to join Union forces in South Carolina.
The 54th's arrival in Beaufort, South Carolina was filmed at the Meek's Home in Richmond Hill, Georgia.
The skirmish on James Island, a Confederate held island, outside of Charleston was filmed at Savannah's Rose Dhu Island.
Battery Wagner, the climatic battle scene were the 54th proved themselves in combat was recreated on Jekyll Island, just south of Savannah.
If you have not scene this movie, it is a must, the photography is awesome. It was unknown story that most people never knew before 1989. This one is a keeper and is part of my library.